Editing Services


Discounts are available for first time clients and  nonprofit agencies; large projects and retainer contracts are negotiable on an individual basis.

Level of Edit Price per word Price per 250-word page
Light .03 $7.50
Medium .04 $10.00
Heavy .05 $12.50

*Note: For Press Release Editing services, please see “Strategic Communications”

Light Copyediting

Choose this level if you are satisfied with the style and content of your draft and only desire that it be “cleaned up” of any errors or usage issues. Light copyediting includes:

  • Correcting faulty spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Correcting incorrect usage (such as “that” for “which”).
  • Checking internal cross-references (for example, “As Figure 3.2  shows…”).
  • Ensuring consistency in spelling, hyphenation, numerals, and capitalization.
  • Checking tables and graphs for spelling, usage, and numerical correctness (not accuracy of content).

Medium Copyediting

This level of editing includes all aspects of light copyediting and, in addition, includes issues of sentence-level coherence, smoothness of transitions, and consistency of vocabulary and tone:

  • Changing text and headings to achieve parallel structure.
  • Flagging ineffective language, such as figures of speech or cliches.
  • Ensuring that key terms are handled consistently.
  • Checking for consistency between major elements, such as table of contents, indices, appendices, and summaries or abstracts.
  • Enforcing consistent style and tone throughout.
  • Changing passive voice to active voice, if requested.
  • Flagging ambiguous or incorrect statements.

Heavy Copyediting

This level is a “complete” edit. It includes both light and medium copyediting and addresses substantive matters of style, readability, and structural coherence. In addition, the editor looks at issues that may require revision and will flag them and provide explanatory notes for the author.

  • Eliminating wordiness, triteness, and inappropriate jargon.
  • Smoothing transitions and reorganizing sentences to improve readability.
  • Suggesting alternative organization to improve structure and effectiveness.
  • Suggesting additions and deletions, noting them at the sentence and paragraph level.
  • Providing end comments concerning broader issues related to general effectiveness.